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Section 8 - Data Interpretation
This section builds on the previous two sections. Here, you will be tested on your ability to modify drug therapies. Typically, questions in this section will present a set of investigations or parameters, and you will need to respond accordingly. This could involve adjusting the treatment dose (either increasing or decreasing), withdrawing the treatment, or deciding to make no changes at all. The learning material in this section is also highly valuable for medical school final exams!
Question Style | MCQ - select 1 option from list of 5 |
Total Questions | 6 |
Marks per Question | 2 (Total of 12 marks) |
Advised Time per Question | 1 min 30 seconds |
Example Question
Case presentation
A 29-year-old woman was admitted to the medical admissions unit with an ineffective exacerbation of her asthma 2 days ago. PMH. Type 1 diabetes, asthma. DH. Biphasic isophane insulin (Humulin M3®) 20 units SC twice daily, beclometasone dipropionate (Clenil Modulite®) 200 micrograms INH 12-hrly, salbutamol 200 micrograms INH as required, amoxicillin 1 g IV 8-hrly and prednisolone 40 mg PO daily for 7 days.
On examination
Temperature 38.2°C, HR 105/min and rhythm regular, BP 126/84 mmHg, RR 26/min, O₂ sat 96% breathing air.
Na⁺ 142 mmol/L (137–144), K⁺ 3.8 mmol/L (3.5–5.3), U 8.5 mmol/L (2.5–7.0), Cr 82 μmol/L (60–110), urinary ketones negative.
Average capillary blood glucose readings are 6 mmol/L prior to breakfast and 18 mmol/L prior to evening meal.
Select the most appropriate decision option with regard to the morning dose of insulin based on these data.
(Mark it with a tick)
Source: PSA
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Content Overview
You will find the following materials in this sections: