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Section 5 - Calculation Skills


This section focuses on performing calculations related to medical prescribing, such as determining required doses, infusion rates, and dilutions. Many candidates find this section anxiety-inducing, as medical students and doctors have not regularly encountered mathematical problems during their studies. Typically, the questions involve several steps of calculation.

Being proficient in these calculations is crucial not only for the Prescribing Safety Assessment but also for clinical practice, as errors in medication calculations can have serious consequences. The types of questions that can be asked are limited, and we will go through each type with examples and strategies to tackle these calculations effectively.

Question StyleType in your answer
Total Questions8
Marks per Question2 (Total of 16 marks)
Advised Time per Question1 min 30 seconds

Example Question

Case presentation

A 77-year-old woman returns to the orthopaedic ward 2 days after discharge following a total knee replacement. She is found to have a wound infection and is to be treated with vancomycin 1 g 8-hourly.

Prior to administration, vancomycin needs to be diluted with sodium chloride 0.9% to a concentration not exceeding 5 mg/mL.

Prescribing request

What is the minimum volume (mL) to which each dose of vancomycin should be diluted?
(Write your answer in the box provided.)


Source: PSA

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